MAKERS of the dreaded
Gatso speed trap are set to clobber motorists
with a monster camera.
The Multi-Camera System is fitted with a
car-zapping FOUR different lenses.
Three take stills, while the fourth videos
back-up evidence.
They can be placed in pairs so if one is
triggered the next takes a close-up of the
motorist’s face with a non-dazzling infra-red
This would stop drivers trying to avoid
penalty points by claiming a pal or relative was
at the wheel.
For the first time, the machine — dubbed the
“mother of all speed cameras” — will be able to
patrol four lanes of traffic simultaneously.
It will mean there is no escape for motorists
even on the widest UK motorways.
It can also be mounted at traffic lights and
box junctions and hold 60,000 images on its hard
drive which can be downloaded instantly.
Face recognition
... are Cybermen
behind metal cam monster?
It is set to cost at least double that of a
current £50,000 Gatso. And it even has
SPIKES to deter vandals, making it
virtually maintenance-free and more economical.
Auto Express editor David Johns said: “This
will send shivers down the spine of every
“Cash-greedy safety camera partnerships will
find the device a pretty attractive
Campaign group Drivers Against Detection
said: “This is yet another cash maker.
Old style ...
one-eyed Gatso
“It will clobber motorists, hitting them hard
in their wallets again. All these cameras are
going to achieve is constantly persuading more
motorists to go underground to avoid fines and
“It’s time to say enough cameras and spend
the money putting more coppers on the streets.
“Cameras slap fines on motorists while the
real criminals are getting away scot-free.”
The Dutch system is made by Gatso
manufacturers Gatsometer and is on trial in
mainland Europe.
It would need Home Office approval before
being used here. A Home Office spokesman said:
“This equipment is not type-approved and
therefore cannot be used in the UK at the
A spokesman for Gatsometer’s UK distributors
Serco said: “It may well be something we will
bring in the future.
“If local camera partnerships want them they
could be here within 12 to 18 months.”